

Fine Arts





on the abstract arts and the modern architecture




























































































           Dwellings made by women in southern








           Dwellings made by men and their children

           who are living  in the south-west  part  of

           the New Gueinea Island.
















                 I studied abstract art and modern architecture by

                 approaching psychology and anthropology. 



                                               What is modern art?  


                                               In order to read abstract arts

                                               your brain must be trained.


                                               Do you like modern abstract art?

                                               By the way, childrenīs drawings

                                               are similar to modern art!





                                Modern artists invent new methods

                                                in order to communicate with you.

                                                Simply, the abstract art is like poetry.



                                                Different stages in development








                                 The future of architecture


                                                  The development of architecture 

                                                  depends on techniques, economy,

                                                  social- and cultural circumstances.

                                                  New building material and technique

                                                  can generate new modern architecture.


                                                  Similar  to arts, modern architects

                                                  invent new methods in order to

                                                  communicate with you. But what if

                                                  you can not read its implication?


                                                  The  future of  architecture is like

                                                  poetry and implicates more architectīs


                                                  Those extensively reduced forms

                                                  and optimization in the modern 

                                                  architecture can be read

                                                  as hyper ornamentation.







                                                 What is beauty?


                                                 Beauty is also a function of course

                                                 but what is beauty?

                                                 There  are  obvious instructins in 

                                                 our  mind how to behave and interpret.




















    What is good architecture?


    Architecture has relations with different aspects.
































      Are you interested in architecture?

        Once people could build their own habitats and it was

        evitable to survive. 























  The development of the arts throughout the history.

  The development of the architecture throughout the history.

  Beauty can be direct reflection of the nature or something more conceptual in your


  The development of building materials and techniques.

  Beauty is also a function.


  Different stages of a personīs development of aesthetic

  skills in drawing and painting.